The past couple of years I’ve been blessed to watch you grow from a tiny baby to a sweet little girl. I can hardly believe it’s been two years since Daddy and I brought you home from the hospital. I love seeing things through your eyes and watching you discover something for the first time. I’m so glad I get to be the one to show you things.
Your favorite things right now are Elmo, reading books and playing ball. You can’t stand to be still. You’re a busy little girl who is always on the go. You love to read about your ABC’s. You take such good care of your baby dolls. You love to play outside and swing at the playground. Your sweet little giggle lights up my whole world. Your teachers at day care always talk about how sweet you are.
Every day you’re growing and changing, but so am I. You’ve taught me how to be more patient and kind. You’re teaching me not to worry about the little things.
Happy birthday my sweet baby girl! I love you! Do you know how proud I am to be your mommy?