She misses no opportunity to tell you she’s a big girl and even knows that “big girls pee pee in potty.” She usually follows me when I use the bathroom, so the other day I decided to use it as a training experience for her. She watched me sit down on the toilet and then asked, “You pee pee on potty?”
I responded, “Yes because I’m a big girl.”
“No, you Den-fer, I big girl.” Apparently, there can be only one big girl at our house.
While we were having Christmas at my mom’s house Hannah started to get a little cranky about 30 minutes before dinner was ready. I thought maybe she just needed a little snack to tide her over until the meal was ready. I asked her if she wanted something to eat, and she said she needed a cracker. So, I asked, “Do you need an appetizer?”
“No, I need a cracker.”
While lying in bed with me the other day, Hannah poked me in the chest and said, “What’s that?”
“That’s Mommy’s bosom,” I replied. “Where’s your bosom?”
Hannah pulled out her shirt, looked down at her chest and said, “I got lil' bosoms.”
Aren't two year olds hilarious?