We got Hannah The Jesus Storybook Bible for Christmas, so that I can start teaching her early the true meaning of Christmas. We've heard Hannah say mama and dada and even baby, but on Christmas Day she actually said bible. What a perfect day to learn this new word! I haven't tried video taping her saying bible yet since most of the time she's pretty reluctant to perform on demand. In the meantime, here's a video of her on Christmas morning checking out her goodies from Santa.
Can you hear me now?
It's amazing to me how toddlers can be such little imitators. I never see Hannah focusing on what I'm doing or studying my every move or action just so she can replicate it later. Yet still she manages to copy actions exactly as she's seen her mommy and daddy do them. For other parents reading this, yes, I do realize that a large part of what children learn is through imitation, but I guess I didn't realize how young that actually began.
For instance, several months ago shortly after Hannah became mobile, she found 2 pitchers in my kitchen cabinet. Now while I've never known myself or Steve to wag these around the house like she does, I have seen Steve drink directly from one that was in the refrigerator. When Hannah is playing with them in the kitchen floor, I'll occasionally see her turn one up as if to take a sip.
So, when Hannah started "talking" on the phone, I'm not sure why I thought it was so funny. Maybe it's because she's just so darn cute (a little biased, I know). Not only does she understand she's supposed to put the phone up to her ear, but she even has the appropriate inflection in her tone when she says, "Uh?" Her vocabulary is still pretty limited, and although she's not saying the words it's obvious there's a question mark at the end.
For instance, several months ago shortly after Hannah became mobile, she found 2 pitchers in my kitchen cabinet. Now while I've never known myself or Steve to wag these around the house like she does, I have seen Steve drink directly from one that was in the refrigerator. When Hannah is playing with them in the kitchen floor, I'll occasionally see her turn one up as if to take a sip.
So, when Hannah started "talking" on the phone, I'm not sure why I thought it was so funny. Maybe it's because she's just so darn cute (a little biased, I know). Not only does she understand she's supposed to put the phone up to her ear, but she even has the appropriate inflection in her tone when she says, "Uh?" Her vocabulary is still pretty limited, and although she's not saying the words it's obvious there's a question mark at the end.
Public Displays of Affection
Just after Hannah's first birthday, she started showing "love" to those around her. Her version of showing love included laying her head against the person or thing. It was sort of like a hug, but only her head was touching you. She would often lay her head against Madison to show him her love. He was never too thrilled to be the object of her affection.
Eventually, she actually started hugging and incorporated her arms when she gave love. Recently, she has learned how to give kisses. We started out with the typical open mouth slobbery ones, but she has now mastered puckering. But watch out! Hannah will not give kisses on the cheek. She plants her love for you right on the lips!
Eventually, she actually started hugging and incorporated her arms when she gave love. Recently, she has learned how to give kisses. We started out with the typical open mouth slobbery ones, but she has now mastered puckering. But watch out! Hannah will not give kisses on the cheek. She plants her love for you right on the lips!
Scary Men with Beards
We've been gearing up to take Hannah to see Santa Claus and have been preparing ourselves that it might not go so well. When we put up our Christmas tree Thanksgiving weekend, I put the ornament from Hannah's first Christmas last year near the bottom so she could see it. The ornament holds a picture, and in the little frame I have a picture of Hannah at 5 1/2 months sitting on Santa's lap.
Every night before bath and reading time, Hannah and I would look at the picture on the tree. I would remind her that it was a picture of baby Hannah with Santa. Just mentioning the name Santa prompted her to point to the tree where the ornament was and smile.
When we arrived at Green Hills mall on Sunday Santa was on break, but the line was already forming. Steve, Hannah and I did a little window shopping while we waited for Santa to return. When Santa's break was over, we took our places in line to wait our turn. Most of the time was spent with me holding our place while Steve walked around with Hannah making sure to get close to where Santa was sitting. Hannah would point and smile, and I actually began thinking it might go smoothly after all.
Just as we got close to Santa, the little boy in front of us took his turn on Santa's lap. The little boy was probably about a year old and wanted no part of the whole Santa experience. When the little boy started screaming, we quickly tried to divert Hannah's attention to something else so she wouldn't get any ideas.
After 45 minutes of standing in line, it was finally our turn. We had a game plan. Steve was going to slide Hannah on to Santa's lap, and I stood ready with the camera. Just as he bent over to put her down, she locked a death grip on Steve's arm. He managed to wiggle himself free just as her bottom lip started to curl. I yelled for Steve to get out of the way and snapped these two pictures before he grabbed her back up again.
Oh well, we'll try again next year.

Every night before bath and reading time, Hannah and I would look at the picture on the tree. I would remind her that it was a picture of baby Hannah with Santa. Just mentioning the name Santa prompted her to point to the tree where the ornament was and smile.
When we arrived at Green Hills mall on Sunday Santa was on break, but the line was already forming. Steve, Hannah and I did a little window shopping while we waited for Santa to return. When Santa's break was over, we took our places in line to wait our turn. Most of the time was spent with me holding our place while Steve walked around with Hannah making sure to get close to where Santa was sitting. Hannah would point and smile, and I actually began thinking it might go smoothly after all.
Just as we got close to Santa, the little boy in front of us took his turn on Santa's lap. The little boy was probably about a year old and wanted no part of the whole Santa experience. When the little boy started screaming, we quickly tried to divert Hannah's attention to something else so she wouldn't get any ideas.
After 45 minutes of standing in line, it was finally our turn. We had a game plan. Steve was going to slide Hannah on to Santa's lap, and I stood ready with the camera. Just as he bent over to put her down, she locked a death grip on Steve's arm. He managed to wiggle himself free just as her bottom lip started to curl. I yelled for Steve to get out of the way and snapped these two pictures before he grabbed her back up again.
Oh well, we'll try again next year.

Jen the Tool WoMan
I’ve been admiring this Adirondack chair from The Company Store for quite sometime, but I felt like the price was just too high. The last magazine I received from them had the chair on sale, so I just had to get it for Hannah. I’ve always loved Adirondack chairs, and Hannah really needs a seat of her own. Besides that, it was a bargain! Steve has been in “bargain shopping” training since we met, so this was just another opportunity for me to show him how it’s done.
The chair arrived yesterday, and I was a little overwhelmed when I saw all the nuts, bolts and screws that came with it. I really wish I would’ve taken a picture before I got started so you could truly appreciate my accomplishment. After we finished dinner, I sat down in the floor with the chair parts and my screwdriver.
The Company Store did a good job of putting labels on all of the wooden pieces, so it made it pretty easy to figure out which pieces I should be using where. After about 30 minutes of using my screwdriver, I remembered we had something else.
I’ve enjoyed making fun of Steve since we got married because I brought more tools to the marriage than he did. Since we’ve been married, Steve has acquired a power tool – a cordless drill. He’s even used it a few times! Well, last night it was my turn to show off my skills. Sure, I had a little challenge trying to get the screw bit to stay in the drill, but I figured it out and away I went assembling Hannah’s chair.
I think the total assembly time was almost an hour and a half, but I persevered. I figure this is just the beginning of putting together toys for Hannah, so I might as well hang in there. Besides, it was good for practicing patience – something else that I’ll need plenty of in the coming years.
Just before Hannah’s bedtime, the chair was complete. Ta da! I think Hannah really liked it was well. It’s a good thing the weather is cold outside right now because I don’t think she wants me to put it on the front porch.
The chair arrived yesterday, and I was a little overwhelmed when I saw all the nuts, bolts and screws that came with it. I really wish I would’ve taken a picture before I got started so you could truly appreciate my accomplishment. After we finished dinner, I sat down in the floor with the chair parts and my screwdriver.
The Company Store did a good job of putting labels on all of the wooden pieces, so it made it pretty easy to figure out which pieces I should be using where. After about 30 minutes of using my screwdriver, I remembered we had something else.
I’ve enjoyed making fun of Steve since we got married because I brought more tools to the marriage than he did. Since we’ve been married, Steve has acquired a power tool – a cordless drill. He’s even used it a few times! Well, last night it was my turn to show off my skills. Sure, I had a little challenge trying to get the screw bit to stay in the drill, but I figured it out and away I went assembling Hannah’s chair.
I think the total assembly time was almost an hour and a half, but I persevered. I figure this is just the beginning of putting together toys for Hannah, so I might as well hang in there. Besides, it was good for practicing patience – something else that I’ll need plenty of in the coming years.
Just before Hannah’s bedtime, the chair was complete. Ta da! I think Hannah really liked it was well. It’s a good thing the weather is cold outside right now because I don’t think she wants me to put it on the front porch.
Communication Skills
Hannah is still developing her language skills, but thanks to her teachers at NCS, she's learned to sign a few words. Her teachers have taught her to sign the words please, more, all done, and thank you. The ability to sign these words has really helped Steve and me communicate with Hannah as well as saved some screaming temper tantrums when we didn't know that she was still hungry or would like a drink of milk.
At about 9 months, Hannah would say mama repeatedly even when her Daddy tried desperately to get her to say dada. Shortly after her first birthday, a switch flipped and dada was the only word she would say. Steve has gotten her to say baby a few times, but other than that, there's really not much to her verbal communication skills just yet. She does manage to say mama and dada in the correct context now instead of just babbling the words without any knowledge of what she's saying.
About a week ago, she learned how to respond to the questions Where is something or Can you find so-and-so. She may not be able to verbally tell us that she doesn't have a clue, but her body language says just that.
At about 9 months, Hannah would say mama repeatedly even when her Daddy tried desperately to get her to say dada. Shortly after her first birthday, a switch flipped and dada was the only word she would say. Steve has gotten her to say baby a few times, but other than that, there's really not much to her verbal communication skills just yet. She does manage to say mama and dada in the correct context now instead of just babbling the words without any knowledge of what she's saying.
About a week ago, she learned how to respond to the questions Where is something or Can you find so-and-so. She may not be able to verbally tell us that she doesn't have a clue, but her body language says just that.

The Tree Is Still Standing (For Now)
We put up our Christmas tree Thanksgiving weekend, and Hannah is just mesmerized by the lights and the ornaments. She has a small tree in her room, and she makes sure to point it out to us whenever we go in there. Of course, last Christmas she wasn't crawling or even sitting up by herself, so we had no worries. This Christmas is a little different.
Steve and I managed to get the tree itself assembled while she was napping on Sunday. Unfortunately for us, it's not a pre-lit tree. It's one of those where each branch has a colored tip, and you have to insert the branches one at a time. I'm usually in charge of calling out which color is next, and a couple of years ago I got a little ahead of myself and skipped a row. It wasn't until we were almost finished that I realized what had happened. You would think we would notice the drastic difference in the length of the branches from one row to the next, but not so much.
Just as we began to hang the lights, she woke up from her nap - just in time to help. She's in this phase where she likes to drag things behind her. She drags her Lil' Snoopy around quite a bit as well as Madison's leash or any piece of clothing she can find. So, having about five strands of lights in the living floor was Heaven to Hannah! We offered her a snack and managed to keep her confined to her high chair for much of the light hanging event.
Once the tree was finally decorated, we let her loose to check it out. I think the picture of her sitting on Santa's lap last year is her favorite ornament. Mine too.
Steve and I managed to get the tree itself assembled while she was napping on Sunday. Unfortunately for us, it's not a pre-lit tree. It's one of those where each branch has a colored tip, and you have to insert the branches one at a time. I'm usually in charge of calling out which color is next, and a couple of years ago I got a little ahead of myself and skipped a row. It wasn't until we were almost finished that I realized what had happened. You would think we would notice the drastic difference in the length of the branches from one row to the next, but not so much.
Just as we began to hang the lights, she woke up from her nap - just in time to help. She's in this phase where she likes to drag things behind her. She drags her Lil' Snoopy around quite a bit as well as Madison's leash or any piece of clothing she can find. So, having about five strands of lights in the living floor was Heaven to Hannah! We offered her a snack and managed to keep her confined to her high chair for much of the light hanging event.
Once the tree was finally decorated, we let her loose to check it out. I think the picture of her sitting on Santa's lap last year is her favorite ornament. Mine too.

Hannah Is a Multi-Tasker
She can't even say the word, and I'm sure she wouldn't recognize it if I said it to her. But there is no doubt in my mind that 30 years from now, she is going to make a fabulous mom. She's already learned the skill of multi-tasking! It's almost like she wants to see just how many items she can carry at once. She exhibits this skill not just with my pitchers but also with her toys, my shoes or pretty much anything she can get her little hands on. So, she'll either be capable of carrying babies, diaper bags, a purse, snacks and toys or an excellent waitress!
My Little Indian
Hannah attends daycare at Nashville Christian, and we are so thankful and blessed to have so many awesome teachers influencing her life every day. I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child, and I'm glad everyone at NCS is in our village. The teachers are very creative at NCS and have already given us so many works of "art" I will keep and maybe even put in Hannah's scrapbook one day. The day before Thanksgiving, Hannah came home with her own little headdress. This artwork will be nice to save as Hannah grows, and we can always be reminded of how little her head once was.

Visit to Cross Point
Hannah had her first experience attending Kidz World at Cross Point Thanksgiving weekend. Steve and I were very nervous about leaving her. In fact, several weeks ago we talked about going back to church and letting her stay at Kids Place at BCC. I got nauseous just thinking of it then!
My mom was able to stay with Hannah a couple of weeks ago so Steve and I could scope out Cross Point. We really enjoyed pastor Pete and felt like she would be OK at Kidz World. She was a little apprehensive at first, and I had to give her a little nudge in the door. To my surprise, she let one of the teachers pick her up and became distracted by all the toys on the shelves. Steve and I were able to slip away and didn't even hear screaming as we walked down the hallway.
After the sermon, neither Steve nor I could wait to go see Hannah in her classroom. She was busy carrying the toys around and didn't even notice us at first. As soon as she saw us, the toys fell to the floor and she came running with tears streaming down her face. She seemed to do well in the classroom, but she was definitely ready for her Mommy and Daddy! That's OK, baby girl. Mommy was ready to see you, too!
We're going to try it again this weekend and hope we both make it without any tears!
My mom was able to stay with Hannah a couple of weeks ago so Steve and I could scope out Cross Point. We really enjoyed pastor Pete and felt like she would be OK at Kidz World. She was a little apprehensive at first, and I had to give her a little nudge in the door. To my surprise, she let one of the teachers pick her up and became distracted by all the toys on the shelves. Steve and I were able to slip away and didn't even hear screaming as we walked down the hallway.
After the sermon, neither Steve nor I could wait to go see Hannah in her classroom. She was busy carrying the toys around and didn't even notice us at first. As soon as she saw us, the toys fell to the floor and she came running with tears streaming down her face. She seemed to do well in the classroom, but she was definitely ready for her Mommy and Daddy! That's OK, baby girl. Mommy was ready to see you, too!
We're going to try it again this weekend and hope we both make it without any tears!
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