Steve and I managed to get the tree itself assembled while she was napping on Sunday. Unfortunately for us, it's not a pre-lit tree. It's one of those where each branch has a colored tip, and you have to insert the branches one at a time. I'm usually in charge of calling out which color is next, and a couple of years ago I got a little ahead of myself and skipped a row. It wasn't until we were almost finished that I realized what had happened. You would think we would notice the drastic difference in the length of the branches from one row to the next, but not so much.
Just as we began to hang the lights, she woke up from her nap - just in time to help. She's in this phase where she likes to drag things behind her. She drags her Lil' Snoopy around quite a bit as well as Madison's leash or any piece of clothing she can find. So, having about five strands of lights in the living floor was Heaven to Hannah! We offered her a snack and managed to keep her confined to her high chair for much of the light hanging event.
Once the tree was finally decorated, we let her loose to check it out. I think the picture of her sitting on Santa's lap last year is her favorite ornament. Mine too.

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