Bedtime is usually when we snuggle for a few minutes while we rock in her room. We say our prayers and sing Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children. The past three nights she has wanted to go straight to her bed without even rocking. No matter how much I tried to hold her and snuggle, she wiggled and squirmed until I gave in and put her to bed.
For the most part, she is capable of feeding herself with a spoon now. She gobbled up her dinner last night with minimal help from me.
Last night was too warm for her fleece pajamas, and I've not started shopping for summer sleepwear yet. Since she's so tiny, I held on to her 12 month pajamas from last summer, and she wore those just fine last night. It was even more obvious how big she's getting when the pants that used to drag the ground came just below her knees.
Since the weather was so nice over the weekend, we spent lots of time at the playground. Hannah has always been a fan of the swing, but this weekend I introduced her to the slide. After I helped her the first time, she figured out how to climb up the ladder and slide down all by herself. If she went too fast, and her bottom landed on the ground, she just jumped up, brushed herself off and went back for more.
Remember when she looked like this? I guess I’ll have to figure out how to stop blinking.

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