To anyone else, “I yuh you” probably doesn’t sound very exciting, but just a few nights ago Hannah said this completely unprompted to me when her daddy was putting her to bed. She’s heard both Steve and I say, “I love you” to her since the day she was born, and she would even repeat it to us when we asked. But this was the first time I heard her say, “I yuh you, Mama” without either one of us asking. Since then she’s said, “I yuh you, dog,” but her daddy is still waiting for his turn. :)
Hearing those words and seeing this sweet face makes all those sleepless nights and temper tantrums totally worth it.

What a special moment! My 4th son wouldn't tell "Dad" he loved him for quite a few years. However, he'd tell me he loved me all the time. One night my husband said, "I love you." Our son promptly replied, "I love Mom" LOL
Dad is now included in the "I love you" moments, but it was so funny back then.
That's AWESOME. I can still remember the first time my kids said it unprompted and I cherish it.
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