
Can you hear me now?

It's amazing to me how toddlers can be such little imitators. I never see Hannah focusing on what I'm doing or studying my every move or action just so she can replicate it later. Yet still she manages to copy actions exactly as she's seen her mommy and daddy do them. For other parents reading this, yes, I do realize that a large part of what children learn is through imitation, but I guess I didn't realize how young that actually began.

For instance, several months ago shortly after Hannah became mobile, she found 2 pitchers in my kitchen cabinet. Now while I've never known myself or Steve to wag these around the house like she does, I have seen Steve drink directly from one that was in the refrigerator. When Hannah is playing with them in the kitchen floor, I'll occasionally see her turn one up as if to take a sip.

So, when Hannah started "talking" on the phone, I'm not sure why I thought it was so funny. Maybe it's because she's just so darn cute (a little biased, I know). Not only does she understand she's supposed to put the phone up to her ear, but she even has the appropriate inflection in her tone when she says, "Uh?" Her vocabulary is still pretty limited, and although she's not saying the words it's obvious there's a question mark at the end.

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