
Visit to Cross Point

Hannah had her first experience attending Kidz World at Cross Point Thanksgiving weekend. Steve and I were very nervous about leaving her. In fact, several weeks ago we talked about going back to church and letting her stay at Kids Place at BCC. I got nauseous just thinking of it then!

My mom was able to stay with Hannah a couple of weeks ago so Steve and I could scope out Cross Point. We really enjoyed pastor Pete and felt like she would be OK at Kidz World. She was a little apprehensive at first, and I had to give her a little nudge in the door. To my surprise, she let one of the teachers pick her up and became distracted by all the toys on the shelves. Steve and I were able to slip away and didn't even hear screaming as we walked down the hallway.

After the sermon, neither Steve nor I could wait to go see Hannah in her classroom. She was busy carrying the toys around and didn't even notice us at first. As soon as she saw us, the toys fell to the floor and she came running with tears streaming down her face. She seemed to do well in the classroom, but she was definitely ready for her Mommy and Daddy! That's OK, baby girl. Mommy was ready to see you, too!

We're going to try it again this weekend and hope we both make it without any tears!

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