
Communication Skills

Hannah is still developing her language skills, but thanks to her teachers at NCS, she's learned to sign a few words. Her teachers have taught her to sign the words please, more, all done, and thank you. The ability to sign these words has really helped Steve and me communicate with Hannah as well as saved some screaming temper tantrums when we didn't know that she was still hungry or would like a drink of milk.

At about 9 months, Hannah would say mama repeatedly even when her Daddy tried desperately to get her to say dada. Shortly after her first birthday, a switch flipped and dada was the only word she would say. Steve has gotten her to say baby a few times, but other than that, there's really not much to her verbal communication skills just yet. She does manage to say mama and dada in the correct context now instead of just babbling the words without any knowledge of what she's saying.

About a week ago, she learned how to respond to the questions Where is something or Can you find so-and-so. She may not be able to verbally tell us that she doesn't have a clue, but her body language says just that.

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